HFSINC Farmhouse Pantry Sandwiches and Sides
Sandwiches, Special blends of breads, Sides and the Big Salad's plus your choice of the Farmhouse Pantry Dressings that are available at the HFSINC Roadside Stands and the Harvest Food's…
HFSINC Farmhouse Pantry On the Go
HFSINC Roadside Stands Farmhouse Pantry On the Go meals 3Q 2024
HFSINC Right to Farm-Michigan
https://youtu.be/q1q45VyY1Zc?si=JwMEh3-etdiN_w7g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n51joiA-8OU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwyDdhsaqyw Michigan's Right-to-Farm Summary Supporters of right-to-farm legislation in Michigan, first passed in 1981, have argued it protects farmland and family farmers, while critics have suggested it favors…